Sri Siva Vishnu Temple
6905 Cipriano Rd, Lanham, MD 20706
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Sri Karthikeya
Karthikeya Gohsta Vigrahas

Karthikeya Dwara Palakas

Sri Idumban and Sri Virabahu are the devoted guards of the Sri Karthikeya sannidi. They stand on both sides of the Kathikeya - Sri Idumban on the right side of Lord Karthikeya and Sri Virabahu  on the left side



Idumban requested Lord Karthikeya to allow him to be installed as the Dwarapalakan for His temple.  The legend of Idumban is as follows. Lord Siva presented  Agasthya munivar  with two mountain peaks called ‘Shivagiri’ and Shakthigiri’. 
Upon Agasthya’s direction, his disciple, Idumban tied the two peaks to the ends of a big pole and carried them on his shoulders. He paused to rest at Palani where the hills got stuck to the ground. On one of the peaks was Murugan with whom Idumban fought to reclaim the hill.
Idumban was defeated and killed in the fight and upon being implored my Agasthiyar was restored to life. Idumban requested Murugan to allow him to be installed as the Dwarapalakan in the palani temple. The Kaavadi form of worship originates from this legend.



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