Sri Siva Vishnu Temple
6905 Cipriano Rd, Lanham, MD 20706
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Sri Ayyappa
Sri Maalikapurathu Amma
Sri Nagaraja
18 Holy Steps
Dwara Murthis of 18 Holy Steps

Sri Nagaraja

Sri Nagaraja is the king of all serpents. He entwines the neck of Lord Siva and is also the bed of Lord Vishnu. This five headed serpent is 'Vaasuki' the most revered of the serpents of Siva. The five heads of Nagaraja represents several things:

  • Panchabootha - The embodiment of the five primary elements of nature earth, (water, fire, air and ether)
  • The five external objects (organs) of action and the five senses of perception all of which work together. The five external objects (organs) of action are ears, eyes, tongue, nose, skin. There are five senses of perception: sabdha, rupa, sparsa, rasa, gandha.
    • Sabdha is the sound that you hear with the ears.
    • Rupa is the form you see with the eyes.
    • Rasa is the taste that you taste with the tongue.
    • Gandha is the smell that you smell with the nose.
    • Sparsa is the touch that you feel with the skin.

So, with the five senses of perception inside, along with the five external organs of action that help us to act, we are able to function in this world.

  • The pancha karmendriyas(elimination, procreation, moving, grasping, speaking )
  • The five karmas gets rid of the three doshas (vatha, pitha and kapha )
    • Vamanakarma - Expulsion of vitiated doshas through oral route
    • Virechanakarma - Expulsion of vitiated doshas through rectum
    • Vastikarma - Administration of medicated oil or decoctions into the rectum to pacify or expel the vitiated doshas
    • Nasyakarma - Administration of medicated oil, juices, and powders through nostrils
    • Rakatamoksha -Expulsion of vitiated blood from the body
  • The five rasas
  • The five Prakaras - the 5 enclosures within a temple
    • AKATTHE-BALIVATTAM: The innermost enclosure, which includes
      • Sreekovil - A central building housing the principal deities
      • Anthar-mandala - Space outside the Sreekovil occupied by protective deities in the form of small stone platforms - Bali-Kall
      • Namaskaara-mandapa - A raised platform for prostration`s
    • NAALAMBALAM / CHUTTAMBALAM: Area around the sanctum
      • Valia-ambalam - Covered spaces around the Sreekovil for rituals and prayers
      • Thittapalli - A small temple kitchen
      • Mulayara - Storage space for grains, fruits, utensils, firewood
        • MADHYA HAARA / VILAKKU-MATTAM - Galaxy of Lamps
        • PURATTHE-BALIVATTAM / SIVELIPPURA - Outer enclosure and cirumabulatory pathway
          • Agra-mandapa - Pathway leading to the Naalambalam
          • Valiya-balikall - Large decorated stone platform for sacrificial offerings
          • Bali-peetha - Positions for protective deities outside the temple
          • Kshetra-paala- Positions for temple guardians
          • Dwaja-sthamba - The ceremonial flag-mast and platform
          • Kovil of minor deities - Sub-shrines within the temple compound
          • Koothamabalam - Enclosure for temple musicians
        • MARYAADA / PURAM MATHIL: The outer boundary wall
        • Gopura: A formal high building marking the main gateways
        • Oottu-pura: Lunch-hall
        • Puram-mathil: Outer-wall

      As the protector of Satyam (truth), Sivam (auspicious), Sundaram (beauty) He decorates the neck of Lord Siva like a beautiful ornament and provides protection to the devotees. Nagaraja and all the serpents protect all life on this earth and provide stability to the turmoil on earth


      Nagaraja Namasthesthu
      Haraharayitha Dehine
      Hara Me Sakalan Rogan
      Dada Me Sath Prajam Drisam


      Salutations to Sri Nagaraja, who adorns Sri Siva's Body, please destroy all illness in me and bless me with good progeny.


      In Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, Nagaraja is installed behind Ayyappa shrine as in Sabarimala. He is depicted as surrounding and acting as the hood of Jeeva Siva Linga. Paramaathma is situated on 1000 petalled lotus in the head. A small part of it is Jeeva Siva. On birth this descends to moolasthana and is surrounded and covered by the hood of the serpent. Siva is Jeeva Siva and sepent is Prakritthi. When Prakrithi is absent the Kundalini (Jeeva Siva) and Prakrithi ascends to the head and merge with Paramaathma.


      Ayilyam star is very auspicious to Nagaraja. Special Puja's are performed to Nagaraja on the Aayilyam day in the Hindu month of Kanya.


      Milk, rice and coconuts are special offerings to Nagaraja. Milk and turmeric abishekam are performed to Nagaraja. Sarpa Bali is also performed to remove sarpa dhosham.




Special Pujas and Festivals

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